How to run programs without root password (*dangerous*)

posted in: Linux, Tutorials | 0

teminalI’m using Unetbootin all the time to write ISOs to my USB Pen drive, and having to enter root password all the time irritates me…

I know what I’m doing (at least I’d like to think so), so I altered the sudoers file. At the terminal I typed

sudo visudo

And added the following at the end of the file

%myusername ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/unetbootin

This allowed me to now run unetbootin directly without wasting time asking for root password. Just replace myusername with your username and you’r done. You can also use this technique to commands like /usr/bin/apt-get

DISCLAIMER: Use this tip at your own risk! Don’t blame me if you mess up your system!

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